where the universe collides…

mnp-130103-4… and then there is the matter of antimatter:  like, where did it go? And does that very absence speak to a net-positive universe? Which would explain a lot. Or at least something. Like why it keeps on going…

maybe antimatter is the stuff filling the bubble behind the eyes? For it does in many ways appear to be a perfect inversion of what is true and real, constantly blathering on about what it feels so certain of, but curiously at which it has never even bothered to LOOK, much less analyze with some measure of sobriety…

and is this why they say ‘the truth will set you free?’ Because any contact between matter and antimatter is like dorothy throwing water on the witch? Or is it that imagination, or delusion, illusion, samsara, dream, holodeck, rabbit-hole, the mind, ego, the devil or whatever you want to call it (mine answers to ‘mary,’ mostly…), can’t survive a spotlight? Like maybe shadow-play, the world (and the self) as we conjure it, our vaunted personal ‘reality,’ can only disappear when someone turns on the light?

is THAT what is up with antimatter? And is THAT why the buddha is always ROFL? Because he sees how we run like crazy from the truth of existence we profess to long for, for we fear that the truth will destroy us? And because nothing we THINK matters actually exists, and what DOES matter either escapes our notice, is claimed as our own turdlike creation, or if it remains too wild and unruly, is instantly annihilated?

Or at least that would be the dream, if we could only dream it true…

but in a net-positive universe where existence trumps the dream of it, it is our illusions that must die — and will naturally and ignobly, as soon as they run out of sufficient energy to hold at bay all the infinitely obvious evidence to the contrary…

and that can be tricky, so strap in! You will know you have arrived safely when you have been undeniably annihilated and melted into a puddle of hysterical laughter. Enjoy —  or be Forever Damned!

Which is actually funny too – it just takes longer to get past the punch-line… ;-)